Network for Organic Resources and Biological Treatment
ECN E-BULLETIN No. 12_2022
EU COMM │ TAIEX-EIR Multi-country Flagship
Workshop on bio-waste management
On 19 and 20 September, the Technical Assistance Information Exchange (TAIEX) workshop on bio-waste management took place in Brussels, where civil servants, NGOs, business associations, and stakeholders had the chance to share their experiences.
This dissemination instrument is designed to provide support to public administrations with regard to the application and the enforcement of the EU legislation, as well as sharing best practices and financing opportunities. During the event organised by EU Commission’s DG Neighbourhood Policy and Enlargement Negotiations (NEAR), bio-waste related topics were discussed, highlighting the opportunities and the bottlenecks faced by the sector. More specifically, as of 1 January 2023, Member States will be required to implement a separate collection of bio-waste (as per art. 22 WFD). This workshop was an opportunity for local and regional authorities which have yet to implement management schemes for this waste stream. Indeed, speakers emphasised the key enabling role played by the recycling of bio-waste in achieving the objectives set out within the EU Green Deal framework. The Commission warned that the amount of waste generated in the EU is increasing, with many Member States risking to not meet both general and specific targets laid down in the Waste Framework Directive; and that they will come forward with a food reduction target to be introduced in the revised version of the WFD.
ECN was among the organisations invited to present their work and called on the Commission to also set binding targets for the recycling of bio-waste and a limit on the amount of bio-waste collected together with the residual waste stream. Many Member States were represented and shared their experiences in implementing the WFD, with some countries performing stronger than others.
If you are interested to know more, speakers have shared their presentations online and can be accessed here.
EP Plenary │ State of the Union address (SOTEU)
Ursula von der Leyen’s third SOTEU address
Ursula von der Leyen’s annual speech before the European Parliament Plenary in Strasbourg was influenced by the ongoing war on Ukraine soil and the consequent energy crisis affecting European citizens. She applauded European unity in the aftermath of the war and praised Ukraine's courage in facing the Russian invasion. The president continued her discourse by referring to the surging energy crisis and unveiled a plan to face soaring gas prices, also setting up a new task force with EU member state representatives. During the presentation, little to no space was given to other policy sectors, with agriculture and defence being surprisingly absent. Nonetheless, following the State of the Union Address, von der Leyen sent a Letter of Intent to the EP and Council presidents, in which she defined the actions the Commission intends to take in the following year by means of legislation and other initiatives. The accompanying Letter of Intent names, among others, the Waste Framework Directive Revision as a key initiative for 2023, specifying its focus on waste prevention, food waste, and the environmental impact of waste management. The document outlines that the initiative was also responding to proposals made during the Conference on the Future of Europe. For more information you can access the SOTEU dedicated webpage here.
CIRCULAR WEEK │ 03 – 09 October
Fifth Edition of Circular Weeks
The Circular Week is back from 3 to 9 October with 13 participating cities and many interesting topics to take part in and this year will also mark its fifth edition. This international campaign consists of a series of events and initiatives devoted to the subject of circular economy and sustainable development that take place throughout Europe. The Circular Week’s goal is to promote the idea of a circular economy, support sustainable business models and establish cooperation between interested stakeholders. Multiple events will also focus on bio-waste within the broader discussion on agri-food and food business circularity, as well as emphasising its role as a value-added product. You can access the full schedule of the campaign here.
There is also the opportunity to register your own event within the Circular Week and become a partner, if interested.
Below you can also find some suggestions:
5 December 2022 is the United Nations World Soil Day (WSD). This year's campaign, "Soils, where food begins" highlights the value of soil for food production, better nutrition, and healthy diets.
The soil beneath our feet is a world made up of organisms, minerals, and organic matter that supply humans and animals with food through plant growth. Just like us, soils need balanced and varied input of nutrients in appropriate quantities to be healthy. When crops are harvested, nutrients are removed from the soil. Nutrient deficient soils produce nutrient deficient plants, causing hidden hunger for more than 2 billion people worldwide.
Soils have no borders and are at risk. This year's WSD will focus on the importance of soils for nutrition while serving as a call to action and empathy for those who bear the brunt of these threats.
ICAW Contests I 01 September - 01 November 2022
Start of the ICAW Poster and Video Contests
Each year, the organization that runs International Compost Awareness Week (ICAW) in the US offers two contests. One is a poster contest which is open to anyone in the world to enter age 14 or older. The other is a video contest for ages 10 – 13, that too is an international contest. Prizes are given to both winners.
The winning poster design and the video are both used to help promote ICAW and the theme for 2023, which is For Healthier Soil, Healthier Food…Compost! The theme highlights how compost can have a role in helping feed the world, by making soil healthier which produces healthier food. Both contests run from September 1st to November 1st.
Specific questions can be sent to: info@compostfoundation.org
Nordic Biogas Conference I 03-06 October 2022
Nordic Biogas Conference 2022
The Nordic Biogas Conference is held in Linköping, Sweden, 04-05 of October 2022 with a reception in the evening on the 3rd and study visits on the 6th. It is a great opportunity to meet companies, researchers and public organizations involved in development of biogas solutions in the Nordic countries and beyond. The conference will consist of plenary and parallel sessions with leading representatives from companies, the academy and public organisations, a reception, conference dinner, an exhibition space, research poster conference, vehicle exhibition, study visits and ample opportunities for networking.
BGK Humustag I 06 October 2022
BGK Humustag
This event will be held in German. Click here for more information.
EU Bioeconomy Conference I 06-07 October 2022
EU Bioeconomy Conference 2022
Austrian Compost Congress I 03-04 November 2022
1st Austrian Compost Congress - Register now
The Compost & Biogas Association Austria is organizing its first Austrian Compost Congress. Our industry is currently facing challenging times and with this top‐class specialist congress we want to offer composting plant operators the opportunity to stay up to date on important special topics. In addition, the leading technology providers will be there in order to network with the specialist industry in the best possible way at this congress.
Current challenges and central topics will be:
- Law/Quality Assurance
- State of the art
- Microplastics/status of biodegradable materials
- Technology for removing impurities
- Biowaste fermentation and composting technology
Click here for more information.
Click here to register for the event.
Biogas Convention I 07-11 November 2022
BIOGAS Digital Convention 2022
The BIOGAS Convention (conference part) will be organised as an online event this year from 07-11 November 2022. In addition to the German lectures, a parallel English programme will be offered. Afterwards, the trade association will set up its joint stand at the EnergyDecentral trade fair in Hanover from 15-18 November 2022 and present lectures on biogas as part of the exhibitor forum.
Click here for more information!
Study Tour I 21-23 November 2022
Zero Waste Europe Study Tour
Have you been looking to get hands-on experience with effective separate collection, recycling and reuse practices at the local level? Then we have good news for you, as we invite you to join us on our Study Tour to Italy from 21-23 of November.
During this three-day Study Tour, we will be visiting two of Europe’s leading schemes for sustainable management of waste in the city of Milan and the Treviso region. In Treviso, participants will have the chance to visit and connect with representatives from the waste management company Contarina, a long-time zero waste champion in Italy.
S.O.S Save Organics in Soil
This international initiative S.O.S. SOIL – Save Organics in Soil, led by the European Compost Network (ECN) and the Italian Composting and Biogas Association (CIC), aims to highlight the importance of soil organic matter to encourage policy makers to develop instruments to move Europe towards implementing sustainable, climate proof soil management practices.
Sign the manifesto 'Save Organigs in Soil' here.
European Compost Network ECN e.V. Im Dohlenbruch 11, D-44795 Bochum T: +49 (0) 234 438 9447 Email: info@compostnetwork.info Website: www.compostnetwork.info VR4604 - UST-ID-Nr. DE813811932 - EU Transparency Register: 26513411360-51
ECN-QAS Trade Mark No 011007168 Trade mark for certified quality assurance organisations, compost and digestate products according to ECN-QAS Website: www.ecn-qas.eu