ECN e.V.

Network for Organic Resources and Biological Treatment
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21 June 2024
Survey | Bio-waste input quality standards

LIFE BIOBEST project evaluates opinion of plant operators in the EU

In the scope of the LIFE BIOBEST project (, the European Compost Network (ECN) is preparing a guideline for recommendations on quality standards for bio-waste entering recycling facilities.


We are asking treatment plant operators for their support in answering this survey. It addresses the quality of input material sent for biological treatment (Anaerobic digestion, composting or combination of both), including acceptable limit values.
The deadline to answer the survey is 30.06.2024. It will last no longer than 10 – 15 Minutes.
LIFE BIOBEST Project | Guidelines

The project consortium publishes a set of guidelines on different aspects of bio-waste management

Two guidelines have been published this week. Check out our guidelines on separate collection of biowaste and high-quality compost and digestate:
  1. 🗑️ Guideline on the separate collection of bio-waste
  2. 🌱Guideline to promote quality compost and digestate
Stay tuned for more guidelines being published next week, 26.06.24.
European Consumer Food Waste Forum I EP & DG SANTE

Publications and tools for food waste reduction and calculations

The European Commission published a whole range of resources aimed at supporting stakeholders to reduce food waste at the household level. The different tools and reports are the result of the European Consumer Food Waste Forum, a three-year collaborative effort by the European Parliament, DG Health and Food Safety (SANTE), the Joint Research Centre and various practitioners.
You will find all the resources in the toolkit to reduce consumer food waste. Among others, these include:
  • Online tutorials on how to measure food waste, how to evaluate food waste prevention actions as well as on how to tailor food waste prevention actions for specific consumer groups.
  • Various publications on concrete actions and policy measures.
  • A food waste prevention calculator, i.e. a life cycle model that reveals possible savings in terms of EUR, emissions and other resources.
  • "The food waste action planner" that helps to identify possible food waste prevention measures, both in- and out-of-home.
EU Commission I Call for funding

EU grants for projects to reduce consumer food waste

A few days ago, the Commission also published a call with possible funding for projects to reduce consumer food waste.
Who can apply?
Single stakeholders or multi-stakeholder collaborations or partnerships across the food supply chain, including key actors such as farmers, manufacturers, retailers, food services as well as researchers, NGOs and public entities (e.g. local, regional or national authorities, educational establishments)

A wide range of actions are eligible, such as:

  • behavioural change interventions (e.g. coaching programmes);
  • education and training (e.g. school programmes, staff training);
  • awareness raising campaigns;
  • measurement and reporting tools and solutions for preventing food waste at consumption level (e.g. mobile applications);
  • studies, data collection, widening the evidence base for consumer food waste prevention interventions (e.g. audience segmentation studies) etc.
Budget: 4 million euros (2024-2026)
Application deadline: 25 September 2024!
Find the call for applications HERE.

Sources: posted on Linkedin by EU COM
LIFE BIOBEST Project | Webinar

Regulatory and technical perspectives – driving progress in bio-waste treatment

The efficient treatment of bio-waste holds significant promise in closing the gap in the biological cycle while delivering useful organic resources and advancing towards renewable energy sources. Compost and digestate utilisation present great opportunities for environmental sustainability, soil health, and carbon capture, supporting the transition towards climate neutrality.
The webinar focused on the regulatory and technical perspectives of bio-waste treatment. It included a presentation of the LIFE BIOBEST guideline on the production of high-quality compost and digestate, presented by ECN’s Scientific Officer Steffen Walk. The webinar also included a presentation of Alberto Confalonieri, showcasing the evolution of industrial composting in Italy and another of Ramon Plana, introducing to small-scale composting facilities as an important building block of a circular bioeconomy.
To re-watch the webinar or download the presenters slides, follow the Link.
CORE Interreg

3rd International Partner Meeting and Study Visit

The CORE project concluded its 3rd international partner meeting and study visit. Participants included both project partners and representatives of their stakeholders. All in all 48 people gathered for the international seminar.
This visit was organised by Vlaco and took place in Mechelen (Belgium) from May 14th-16th. It gave everyone the opportunity to explain their progress and work so far, present their Good Practices gathered from their regions and exchange further knowledge. Stakeholders also took part in the event, creating the opportunity for networking and sharing experiences.
The study visit included Good Practices on training master composters and other volunteers and the engagement of citizens and organizations in composting in rural areas.


ECN New members

The Croation Compost Plant Association joined ECN

ECN welcome the Croatian Compost Plant Association as new national biowaste association in ECN which was newly founded in February 2024.
The aim of the compost association is to promote, improve and develop composting activities with the organisation of courses panels, workshops and seminars in Croatia.
Please find further info about the Croatian Compost Plant Association here.

S.O.S Save Organics in Soil

This international initiative S.O.S. SOIL – Save Organics in Soil, led by the European Compost Network (ECN) and the Italian Composting and Biogas Association (CIC), aims to highlight the importance of soil organic matter to encourage policy makers to develop instruments to move Europe towards implementing sustainable, climate proof soil management practices.
Sign the manifesto 'Save Organigs in Soil' here.

European Compost Network ECN e.V.
Im Dohlenbruch 11, D-44795 Bochum
T: +49 (0) 234 438 9447
VR4604 - UST-ID-Nr. DE813811932 -
EU Transparency Register: 26513411360-51

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ECN-QAS Trade Mark No 011007168
Trade mark for certified quality assurance
organisations, compost and digestate products

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