On the occasion of the 7th Nordic Biogas Conference, which took place from 9 to 11 April 2019 in Oslo, the European Compost Network (ECN) organised the session on ‘Biofertilizer/Digestate: Securing the whole value chain - How to turn digestate from a cost to an asset?’.
Stefanie Siebert, Executive Director of the European Compost Network introduced the session by giving an overview on digestate production from bio-waste, the impact of the new European Fertilising Regulation and the role of quality assurance in Europe.
Florian Strippel, Fachverband Biogas, introduced the characteristics, application possibilities and current markets of liquid or solid fraction of digestate.
Caroline Steinwig, Avfall Sverige, talked about the Swedish QAS “Certified Re-use” and current production of digestate in Sweden.
Alberto Confalionieri, Italian Composting and Biogas Association, presented the current situation regarding the quality, the collection and treatment of bio-waste in Italy.
Overall the session gave a good overview about the state of the art of different anaerobic digestion techniques for using digestate in a sustainable way.
The report of the ECN session can be accessed here and all presentations can be downloaded here.
The Finnish Biocycle and Biogas Association LARA Laaturavinnehanke - Finnish Quality Assurance System for Recycled Nutrient Products published
At the annual meeting of the Finnish Association for Biological Waste Treatment (Biolaitosyhdistys), a couple of weeks ago, Juha Pirkkamaa (to the left), the Project Operator, was awarded by ‘The Gold Medal for Life’s Work’ from the Finnish Chamber of Commerce, given by the chairman Christoph Gareis (to the right) of Biolaitosyhdistys. During his time as Project Operator of Biolaitosyhdistys, Juha Pirkkamaa, has initiated the development of the Finnish Quality Assurance System for recycled nutrient products.
The project aims to create a quality system and quality label for fertiliser products, which have been processed from recycled materials in biogas and composting plants or other similar processing plants.
Please find the full article here.
International Compost Awareness Week May 5-11, 2019 International Organizations Rally Together to Build Awareness
about the Benefits of Compost
International Compost Awareness Week (ICAW) is the largest and most comprehensive education initiative of the compost industry. It is celebrated in many countries throughout the world annually during the first full week of May. Started in Canada in 1995, ICAW has continued to grow as more people, businesses, municipalities, schools and organizations are recognizing the importance of compost and the long-term benefits from organics recycling.
The goal of the program is to raise the awareness of the public regarding how the use of compost can improve or maintain high quality soil, grow healthy plants, reduce the use of fertilizer and pesticides, improve water quality and protect the environment. The program includes educational activities at schools and workshops, classes and events promoted through governments, public municipalities and local businesses. This year, activities span the globe with celebrations planned across the United States, Canada, Europe, Ireland, the Czech Republic and Australia.
The full article can be downloaded here.
BVOR-Demodagen 2019 Outdoor Machinery Exhibition for Bio-waste in the Netherlands
The ‘BVOR-Demodagen’ will take place at Wednesday 5th and Thurday 6th of June 2019 at the compost plant from Bruins & Kwast Biomass Management in Goor, close to the German border. Every two years, the BVOR (Dutch Association of Bio Waste Processors) organises the BVOR-Demodagen at one of the plants of their members. In 2019 is the 12th edition of this successful event. The Demodagen are free accessible for visitors.
During the exhibition companies and organizations demonstrate machines and services for companies which make compost or biomass out of bio-waste. Almost 40 machines are demonstrating their abilities. Shredders, chippers, windshifters, turnover machines, screening machines can be seen in action. In the morning and afternoon there are organised tours along the machines (in Dutch).
Inside there is also more information from different exhibitors. Next to the companies with the machinery there are organisations which have a link to the world of bio-waste, e.g. consultancies, governmental organisations, weighing systems, certification.
Organisation: BVOR – Dutch Association of Bio Waste Processors
The BVOR represents the majority of licensed bio waste processing facilities in the Netherlands, including composting plants, anaerobic digestion plants, and production of feed stocks for bio-energy plants. The BVOR has approximately 50 members, representing 82 bio waste processing locations throughout the country. BVOR members all together process more than 1.6 million tonnes of bio waste/annum.
More information on the Demodagen can be found here.