With the adoption (EP 27/03/2019) of the new EU Fertilising Product Regulation (FPR) compost and digestate from recycled bio-waste can be placed as CE marked fertilising products (organic fertilisers, soil improvers and growing media) on the European market in future. For placing these waste-derived products successful on the European market, clarification, simplification and adaption of the new rules in the implementation phase is needed.
At the first Summit of the Organic Fertiliser Industry ‘SOFIE’, Mrs Irmgard Leifert, the Task Group Chair on Fertilisers of the European Compost Network pointed out the role of bio-waste in the European circular economy and welcomed that with this regulation for the first time EU-wide end-of-waste criteria for compost and digestate have been set. But, regarding several requirements set for compost and digestate in this regulation, reconsideration during the implementation phase has to take place. Otherwise the regulation will miss its goal to boost organic matter recycling from bio-waste within the EU circular economy.
Please find the ‘five-minute vision’ presentation of ECN here.
A more detailed presentation including the implementation work timeline of the Fertilising Product Regulation can be accessed here.

KBVÖ Study Tour & International Practitioner Day
The Austrian Compost & Biogas Association, as country representative of ECN organizes a study tour and training course on bio-waste recycling which will take place from September 15-20, 2019 and will start in Vienna, Austria.
It will give an insight into separate collection models and treatment techniques of organic waste through a smart combination of theoretical seminars and site visits.
One highlight will be the visit of the 6th International Practitioner Day on Composting organised by the Austrian Compost & Biogas Association showing latest developments in compost and biomass technologies.
ECN members are kindly invited to take part in this Study Tour with a reduced fee.
More information and the program on the Austrian Study Tour can be found here.

ISWA Study Tour on Bio-waste Collection and Recycling 2019
The ISWA Study Tour will take place from 29 September to 3 October 2019 and will start in Milan, Italy. In cooperation with CIC, ECN, ECOMONDO and ATIA ISWA ITALIA, this four-day Study Tour will give municipal solid waste managers and decision-makers an overview of current best-practices in separate collection and recycling of organic waste in record setting Northern Italian cities: Milan and Verona.
You will learn from accompanied technical site visits and workshops by senior international experts from leading organisations such as ISWA, CIC, ECN and Ecomondo. Circular economy for organic waste needs recycling facilities and the ISWA Study Tour covers composting to biomethane production both in medium and jumbo scale; plus new techniques such as recovery of CO2 and excess heat will be explored.
Topics include:
- Circular Economy for the bio-waste sector in Europe
- Separate bio-waste collections in different metropolitan areas and in smaller settlements
- The role of compostable plastics
- Best practices and treatment facilities for the treatment of organic waste collected in cities
- Composting, anaerobic digestion and biorefineries (Innovative aerobic biological treatment)
- Upgrading techniques from biogas to biomethane (i.e. green natural gas)
- CO2 recycling at biogas facilities: technologies and opportunities
- MBT treatment of mixed MSW
- Compost and soil: climate impacts
ECN members are kindly invited to take part in this Study Tour with a reduced fee.
More information on the ISWA Study Tour can be found here.

7-9 October 2019, Bilbao (ES) ISWA World Congress 2019
Bilbao is expecting up to 1,200 experts, decision makers and visitors from around the world. The congress is being organized by ECN member ATEGRUS, ISWA National Member in Spain, in cooperation with the International Solid Waste Association – ISWA.
This global meeting will be based on a scientific programme focused on sustainable waste management, circular economy and resource efficiency. The participants will be welcome to share their critical thinking and to discuss creative ideas on the featured issues of the Congress.
More information on the ISWA World congress can be found here.

ECN Status Report 2019 European Bio-Waste Management
In April, ECN published its first "STATUS REPORT" on European bio-waste management, summarising the extent to which eighteen European countries collect bio-waste, process it in biological treatment plants and market the various compost and digestate products. According to the broad interest in the report it is obvious that this data collection filled an information gap.
The online-version can be ordered for 50 € and the printed version for 75 € plus shipping costs by sending an email to info@compostnetwork.info. For ECN members, the PDF online-version is available for free on the ECN website in the internal part.
For more information concerning the ECN STATUS REPORT, please find the press release here.