European Compost Network (ECN) and European Biogas Association (EBA) have co-hired a new Policy Officer to strengthen their advocacy activities at the European level.
Marco Giacomazzi will be responsible for the main political issues addressing nutrients recycling and circular bio-economy, including EU Fertilisers Regulation, Animal By-Product Regulation and the Common Agricultural Policy.
Previously, he trained at several organizations in Brussels where he gained extensive experience in monitoring, influencing and reporting about Public Affairs.
Marco holds a Master’s Degree in International Relations from the Alma Mater University of Bologna – Forlì Campus (IT).

Cré Annual Conference Carbon Crisis & Circular Economy- Opportunities & Threats
Today, the Annual Conference of the Composting & Anaerobic Digestion Association of Ireland ‘Cré’ on ‘Carbon Crises & Circular Economy’ will take place in Killashee House Hotel in Naas (Ireland).
The Irish Composting & Anaerobic Digestion Conference comes at a pivotal time for the sector and will create much debate, be thought provoking, informative and inspiring.
Stefanie Siebert, Executive Director of the European Compost Network (ECN) will present ‘New Biowaste Related Elements in New EU Waste Legislation & New EU Fertiliser Regulations’ in a video session at this conference.
You can access the video on youtube: here.

Further information on the Cré conference can be accessed: here.

17-18 September 2019, Saint Denis de Pile (FR) Réseau Compostplus – Territoires & Biodéchets
The 8th edition of this event is taking place at SMICVAL in Saint Denis de Pile (Gironde, France) and is the only national event dedicated to bio-waste.
More information on the French conference can be found here.

16-24 November 2019 European Week for Waste Reduction
The European Week for Waste Reduction (EWWR) is an initiative promoting the implementation of awareness-raising actions about sustainable resource and waste management during a single week.
It encourages a wide range of audiences (public authorities, private companies, civil society as well as citizens themselves) to get involved.
This years’ edition will take place from 16 to 24 November 2019 and will focus on waste education and communication.
If you want to organise an action, for example on how to separate bio-waste in households, during the EWWR, then click here!
Further information on the EWWR 2019: here.