Europe has taken an important first step in its ambition to achieve a circular economy by agreeing new rules for separate bio-waste collection and recycling. This is a significant milestone for the composting and anaerobic digestion sectors, which are now poised to play a pivotal role in transforming bio-wastes into valuable resources such as compost, renewable energy and bio-based products. As only about one-third of Europe’s bio-waste is currently recycled, this presents a momentous opportunity for the sector to invest in new infrastructure, create jobs and manufacture sustainable products.
At the workshop ‘The Road to an Urban Bioeconomy’ in Brussels, 28th May, more than 80 delegates heard about some of the barriers and solutions that are likely to be encountered along the way. Representatives of the European Commission, EUROCITIES, European Compost Network, Urban Agenda Partnership for Circular Economy, Municipal Waste Europe and the City of Oslo spoke about research, innovation and successful case studies for improving bio-resource management in urban areas.
Håkon Jentoft, City of Oslo, highlighted the potential within cities for improved utilisation of bioresources, noting: “Cities have identified both barriers and possible solutions for better management of these valuable resources. It is important to help cities through an improved legal framework, access to funding and knowledge to kick start this potential. This needs to be done in partnership with all stakeholders, including citizens, industry, farmers and national and EU authorities.”
European Compost Network’s Chair, Henrik Lystad, commented: “This is a fantastic opportunity for Europe’s bioresource industry. The new circular economy package means that even more bio-waste will now be collected separately and recycled into quality products, with the potential to create over 50 thousand jobs across Europe. This will benefit the economy, citizens and the environment.”
Vanya Veras, Municipal Waste Europe, noted: “Europe’s new waste legislation recognises the value of bio-waste as a source of valuable resources. This will open the door to investment in more separate collection and better management of bio-waste, resulting in building climate resilience and contributing towards the circular bioeconomy. To be successful, we must communicate across value chains and administrations to build recognition of the value of these bioresources. The importance of good governance at local level will be crucial.”
The joint press release can be downloaded here.

ECN Annual Meeting 2018 Henrik Lystad and Massimo Centemero re-elected as Chair and Vice-Chair of ECN
At the Annual meeting 2018 of the European Compost Network on 29 May in Brussels Henrik Lystad from Avfall Norge (NO) and Massimo Centemero from the Italian Compost and Biogas Association - CIC (IT) were re-elected as Chair and Vice-Chair.
Besides the Chair and the Vice Chair, Irmgard Leifert, representing the German Quality Assurance Organisation for Compost - BGK (DE), was re-elected on the Board as well. Susana Lopes from Lipor (PT) and Domantas Tracevičius from Biastra plius Ltd. (LT) joined the Board as new members.
The following members are representing ECN in the Board:
- Henrik Lystad (NO, Avfall Norge) - Chair
- Dr Mait Kriipsalu (EE, Estonian University of Life Sciences) – Vice Chair
- Massimo Centemero (IT, Italian Compost and Biogas Association CIC) – Vice Chair
- Kristel Vandenbroek (BE, VLACO)
- Dr Irmgard Leifert (DE, BGK)
- Tomasz Wojciechowski (PL, GWDA)
- Justine Faure (FR, Reseau Compost Plus)
- Susana Lopes (PT, Lipor)
- Domantas Tracevičius (LT, Biastra plius Ltd)

In this fifth edition of the conference the leading theme is - Innovative Europe towards the Circular Economy.
Representatives of the government and local governments, people from the world of science and business, employees of companies and institutionsrelated to ecology will undertake a dialogue on sustainabledevelopment and respect for the environment.
Partners of the Forum can benefit on special fidelity program. All participants take part in plenary and specialized sessions, as well as in 2 evenings: Gala dinner, and regional dinner with music.
For more information, please visit the conference website here.
The programm (english version) is available here.