Network for Organic Resources and Biological Treatment
ECN E-BULLETIN No. 03_2021
EU Commission I Fertilising Products Regulation
EU Fertilising Products Regulation - Guidance on labelling requirements published
On February 19, the Commission published the Communication on the visual appearance of the label on EU fertilising products. The Communication explains the labelling requirements set in the Fertilising Products Regulation.
It answers basic questions such as what information is mandatory on the label, in what language, how to provide information on storage and use instructions, and many more. This includes concrete examples of labels for the various types of EU fertilising products, which manufacturers can use when designing their own labels.
The document is not legally binding and serves as a guide. In the end, it is up to the manufacturer to decide where to place the information on the label and how to format it, as long as all the information required in the Regulation is presented.
A task force of representatives of national authorities and interested stakeholders, including experts from the European Compost Network, wrote the first draft of the guidance document. This document was subsequently discussed during meetings of the Commission expert group on fertilising products in 2019 and 2020.
Water and agriculture - towards sustainable solutions
Agricultural management practices should be based on agroecological principles, organic farming and nature-based solutions, the EEA report ‘Water and agriculture; towards sustainable solutions,’ says. To achieve this, more ambitious measures to promote sustainable agriculture are needed in the upcoming EU common agricultural policy 2021-2027.
Recent EEA studies have shown that many of Europe’s surface and groundwaters are not in good status and the state of Europe’s regional seas is alarming. Agricultural activities are an important source of pressures on Europe’s waters, due to nutrient and chemical pollution, water abstraction and physical changes in habitats, including through water storage and land drainage. Responding to these challenges is urgent, since climate change impacts in parts of Europe are exacerbating pressures on water and pose a risk to agricultural production.
The EEA report can be downloaded here.
EU Green Week I Deadline 15 April
Registration for EU Green Week Partner Events
Due to the very high interest in organizing an EU Green Week Partner Event, the European Commission has extended the registration deadline to 15 April. Are you planning an event related to the Zero Pollution ambition for air, water and soil between 3 May and 13 June 2021? Would you like to organise one? Join the EU Green Week community as a Partner Event!
Organised by the European Commission’s Directorate-General for Environment, this annual event attracts each year policymakers, leading environmentalists, stakeholders and citizens from across Europe and around the globe.
Would you like to organise an event but are still looking for inspiration? Discover the selected EU Green Week Partner Events for this 2021 edition here.
Register your event before 15 April 2021.
The 2nd International Symposium on Growing Media, Soilless Cultivation, and Compost Utilization in Horticulture (ISHS)
conference will focus on the following topics:
- Growing media and sustainable use of resources
- Integrated disease and pest control via interaction with the growing medium
- Soilless cultivation: added value of innovations for water and nutrient use efficiency
- Compost utilization in horticulture and its potential for carbon storage
Please register for GrowingMedia2021 here.
ECN and GME policy-related session at Growing- Media2021
The European Compost Network (ECN) and Growing Media Europe (GME) aim to organize a session entitled ‘EU Fertilising Products Regulation – Opportunities and Challenges to place Growing Media and Soil Improvers on the European Market’ during the conference ‘GrowingMedia2021 – International Symposium on Growing Media, Soilless Cultivation, and Compost Utilization in Horticulture’. The workshop will focus on the regulatory framework for the use of compost and digestate as ‘component materials’ for soil improvers and growing media in the framework of the EU fertilising product regulation and how these final products can be placed on the EU market. Further information and key speaker will be announced soon.
New Date: 23/09/2021 Austria
Austrian Compost & Biogas Association
7th International Practitioners Day for Composting
The 7th International Practitioners Day for Composting will take place on 23rd September 2021 in Langenlois/NÖ (AT) organised by the Austrian Compost & Biogas Associaton.
Save the Date: 22/09/2021 Vienna (AT)
ECN Annual meeting 2021
At the last Board meeting (03/03/2021) the ECN Board decided to schedule the ECN Annual Meeting 2021 in conjunction with the 7th International Practitioners Day for Composting. Depending on the Covid situation, we are planning to organise the ECN Annual meeting 2021 on 22nd September 2021 in Vienna as a face-to-face meeting. Please save the date!
ECN-QAS Trade Mark No 011007168 Trade mark for certified quality assurance organisations, compost and digestate products according to ECN-QAS Website: www.ecn-qas.eu