European Compost Network signed the 4‰ Initiative: Soils for Food Security and Climate

The European Compost  Network has taken the opportunity to join the ‘4‰ initiative: Soils for food security and climate’. The initiative aimed at increasing carbon sequestration in agricultural soils has been launched under the Lima Paris Agenda for Action. This multi-stakeholder partnership, led by France, was launched in 2015 as part of the Conference of Parties (COP) 21 Paris agreement.

board4_1000Recognising that a ‘“4‰” [four per 1000] annual growth rate of the soil carbon stock would make it possible to stop the present increase in atmospheric CO2’, the initiative aims to bring together states, governments, local authorities, banks, researchers, farmers, private companies and NGOs to put this into practise. It intends to promote a number of programmes that improve the ways in which soils are managed as well as establishing an international research and scientific co-operation programme.

Overall, the 4‰ initiative aims to demonstrate that agriculture, and agricultural soils in particular, can play a crucial role where food security and climate change are concerned, setting out three main outcomes:

  • Ensure food security and increase soil fertility;
  • Adapt agriculture to climate change; and
  • Mitigate greenhouse gas emissions.

Stakeholders are invited to join the initiative, either to engage in research or to become involved in projects, such as training and local practical solutions.

Further information about the 4‰ initiative and how to join can be found: here.