AGRI Committee calls for bolstering of organic fertilisers use in adopted motion for resolution 

On January 31, the AGRI Committee of the European Parliament adopted a motion for a resolution in response to the European Commission communication on ensuring availability and affordability of fertilisers.
In the adopted document, prominent role has been given to organic soil improvers and fertilisers as an alternative to mineral fertilisers. The motion for a resolution especially encourages Member States to make available on the EU single market organic and bio-waste-based fertilisers by granting them access to CE market. The AGRI Committee calls upon the Commission to promote the use of all safe biowaste and animal by-products as alternative nutrient-rich streams and include them in the highly anticipated Integrated Nutrient Management Action Plan which is planned to be published in March. MEPs also lamented that the communication did not serve to facilitate the use of organic alternatives to chemical fertilisers, such us recovered nitrogen from manure and digestate from bio-waste obtained by anaerobic digestion of livestock effluents, requesting an amendment to Annex III to the Nitrate Directive to this end.