ORBIT 2016 Crete, Greece, May 25th - 28th
ECN’s next ORBIT conference was held in Heraklion, Crete on 25th to 28th May 2016. Focussing on the ‘Circular Economy and Organic Waste Management’, it was the tenth biennial conference on Organic Resources and Biological Waste Treatment, signalling 20 years of excellence in scientific research and professional networking.
ORBIT 2016 was organised by Harokopio University of Athens (Prof. Dr. Katia Lasaridi), the Technological Educational Institute of Crete (Associate Prof. Dr. Thrassyvoulos Manios) and ECN.
The Conference was running parallel oral and poster sessions, with sessions including:
Composting and anaerobic digestion technologies and processes;
- Food waste prevention;
- Bio-based economy and the biorefinery concept;
- MBT: technologies and products;
- Energy recovery from biomass / biofuels;
- EU policies and strategies for sustainable organic resources and waste management – the challenge of circular economy; and
- Climate change, LCA and decision support tools.
The proceedings of ORBIT2016 can be ordered by Prof. Thrassyvoulos Manios from the Technological Educational Institue of Crete for €60.
ORBIT 2014 Gödöllő, Hungary, June 26th - 28th
New challenges, new responses in the 21st Century
The conference was organized by Szent István University (Gödöllő) and the Hungarian Quality Compost Association in co-operation with the European Compost Network e.V. (ECN). It aimed to encompass several aspects and offered opportunity to explore many current and relevant issues of organic resources and biological treatment, including compost, biochar, digestate sciences and applications. It provided an interactive forum for exchange of ideas and joint discussions on recent scientific and practical results and current issues related to technological processes, analysis and characterization, sustainable uses and certification, regulation and marketing aspects.
The abstracts of the ORBIT 2014 conference can be downloaded from the website ask.eu.
The detailed programme can be downloaded here.
Location and Contact Information
Knowledge Transfer Center, H-2103 Gödöllő, Páter K. u. 1., Hungary
Tel: +36-30-998-7766; Fax: +36-28-422-880
For more information contact: orbit2014@orbit2014.com; www.orbit2014.com
ORBIT 2012 Rennes, France, June 12th - 15th
Assessment of technology for optimal organic wastemanagement processes and enlightend environmental policies
The programme of the 8th International ORBIT Conference in Rennes is now completed.
The event gives an up-to-date insight on the numerous aspects accompanying organic waste on its way to valuable resource. You will become familiar with the latest developments, R & D, future policy changes and the effect all might have on the organics recycling sector.
180 presentations from more than 30 countries world-wide, a poster session and an exhibition, technical tours to French organic waste treatment plants. All supplemented by the ECN workshop "From Waste to Product - Sustainable Management of Organic Resources in Europe" - organised by the European Compost Network ECN which celebrates it's 10th anniversary at the event.
The detailed progamme of ORBIT 2012 can be downloaded here.
For registration please visit the ORBIT website: www.orbit2012.fr
Conference Topics:
- Composting
- Anaerobic Digestion
- Biomass for energy
- Socail envoronmental and healh, risk assement
- Policies for organic waste management
For more information on the venue and abstract submission check the Cemagref Webseite
Cemagref de Rennes Unité Gere, 17 avenue de Cucillé, CS 64427, F- 35044 Rennes Cedex
Tel. +33 223 48 21 21
Fax: +33 223 48 21 15
Web: www.orbit2012.fr